Messages from Diverse Sources
Monday, November 4, 2024
Pray, Children, for That Poisonous Worm That Is War, How Much Pain in My Heart!
Message of the Immaculate Conception ♡ Queen of Love to Marcella in Italy on November 2, 2024

My dear children, today My Love is all for you, I give you My Mother's Heart.
My dear children, I too have suffered so much seeing My Son suffer whom I loved so much more than My own life. For this My Love I wish to console you, and I say to you, you are also My children and in this time I see so much pain in this world that burns like hot coals. My children, I wish so much to help you to soothe your hearts; think how much My Son loved you, He gave you His very life, He is your Savior, always trust in Jesus the Savior. Children, I remind you that your loved ones are celebrating, today they will all be with Me to pray with you, rejoice!
Dear Mothers, My daughters, your young people are living in the Father's house: I assure you they are so beautiful and happy; Jesus is instructing them, they are so sweet, all your loved ones are living praising God.
Dear children, do not be afraid I embrace them all on My Heart, I your Mother beseech you: seek God through prayer and Holy Mass, your heart will open to the Love that God desires to give you, do not close your heart but let God illuminate you with His Light, it is a saving Light. The Heart of Jesus loves, heals, saves you from all sin. Children, have hope in My Son, cling to Him with all your strength, you will feel less lonely and stronger; with Jesus you will walk safely and without darkness around you. The road you will walk each day will seem more beautiful and brighter. Pray, children, for that poisonous worm that is war, how much pain in My Heart! How many tears I see in the eyes of so many mothers, of so many families destroyed by the bombs that fall without respite and without mercy. God does not want war, war is Satan's!
Beware, My children, I say these words to you: pray for those who have lost their reason, pray for them. How many souls are being taken to heaven, they are all holy martyrs whom our Lord welcomes into His holy Father's arms. I ask you, dear children, gather together, Pray, forgive because forgiveness is grace. Today in heaven it is a great feast, it is all a song of love, all united with you. Pray, pray together with your guardian angels who love you and pray for you together with your loved ones. I thank you and bless you all with much love.
I am always your Heavenly Mother Immaculate Conception Queen of Love.
The Heavenly Mother was surrounded by so many Angels then She showed me a big garden and I saw so many many souls, I could smell perfume and I could see it getting bigger and bigger in the distance and She said, "See, these are all your loved ones, they are all with Me. Do not fear, for all are in the beatitudes, in the Father's house. Dear children, do not worry about your loved ones, they are all with Me. Pray, pray for one another and always gather, as you are doing, in prayer, pray a lot. I bless you and I thank you."